How to use the JobHero Sidekick extension


Congratulations! You've taken the first step toward a faster, easier, and better job search by installing the JobHero Sidekick. Here's a quick guide on how to use it!

IMPORTANT: You must register & be logged in to JobHero to use the Sidekick properly. You can register here.

Step 1: Find a job you like!

Conduct your job search as you normally do. When you come across a job you want to begin to track and apply to, the Sidekick is ready for you.

Step 2: Click on the Sidekick

For the sake of demonstration, we'll use this job we found on Glassdoor.


Depending on what job board or site you're on, one of two things will happen. There are integrated sites and non-integrated sites. Let's see what happens in each case.

Case 1: Integrated sites (like Glassdoor & Indeed)

If the site you're on is one we have an integration with & you see a green banner, that's it! You're done! All the information you need from the page (job title, description, link, location, and company name) will be directly saved to your JobHero dashboard.

You can either head to your dashboard to check out the saved job later or click on "Link" to be directed to it immediately. There, you'll be able to add notes, set calendar due dates, and make any edits to the job listing to add further research. We cover how to do this further below.


Case 2: Non-integrated sites (like career pages)

While the JobHero Sidekick has a one-click integration with many of your favorite job boards (like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed), there are some sites that don't allow us to extract information as easily. It's still easy as pie, though! For demonstration, we'll use this job at Google.

When you click on the Sidekick extension on a non-integrated page, you'll be prompted with a blue bar across the top of the page with simple instructions on how to easily extract all the information you need. Each step (4 in total) will ask you to highlight the part of the page that has that information. Here's an example of us highlighting the job title:


Once you've highlighted all 4 parts of a job listing, you'll be able to press "Add job" and that listing will be sent straight to your JobHero dashboard! See how that looks here:


How to edit or update saved jobs

Now that you've learned how to quickly save jobs from across the web, let's go over how to edit them or update your application progress. First, click on a job card and you'll be greeted with the job detail page:


Note your options:

  • You can EDIT the job to modify any new information you have on the listing.

  • You can ADD CONTACT to save any information you have about a connection, recruiter, or hiring manager. Press UPLOAD to upload & track all the documents you used to apply to this particular job.

  • Change your NEXT STEP DUE to give yourself reminders about the dates you need to complete different tasks related to this job opportunity. Below that button, you can change your current application status with this job.

  • Finally, save any information by using ADD NOTE -- whether it's recording all emails, notes after an interview, or detailed reminders about a specific opportunity, this is a great catch-all for data you can't put anywhere else.


That's it! You've learned how to use the Sidekick and the JobHero dashboard. Now go out there and conquer the job search with your new secret weapon. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at